Live Your Best Life

"Why Hypnotherapy is your key to change?"

Hypnotherapy is a flexible and powerful method, providing a multitude of advantages for those desiring positive transformations.

While commonly recognised for its role in aiding smoking cessation, hypnotherapy has demonstrated its effectiveness in tackling a variety of concerns, like sleep issues, anxiety, habits or phobias, contributing to an overall improvement in well-being.

Scientific studies indicate that when the mind enters a relaxed state during hypnosis, it becomes more receptive to suggestions, allowing for a shift in thoughts and behaviours.

Research suggests that it can help reduce the activity in the part of the brain associated with stress and increase the activity in areas related to focused attention. This neurological response aligns with the reported outcomes of reduced anxiety and improved concentration experienced by people undergoing hypnotherapy.

In the realm of mental health, hypnotherapy has been linked to changes in brain activity related to emotions and self-perception. Clients often report enhanced well-being, reduced anxiety, and improved mood after undergoing hypnosis sessions.

Your Questions Answered

Hypnotherapy works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation, where your unconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. It helps reframe negative thought patterns and behaviors, promoting positive change..

Yes, hypnotherapy is considered a safe and non-invasive approach. It involves deep relaxation and focused attention, and you remain in control throughout the session.

The number of sessions varies based on individual needs and goals. While some clients may experience benefits after just a few sessions, others may require more.

No, you will not lose control during hypnosis. You will remain aware of your surroundings. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process, and you are an active participant in your own change.

A therapy session lasts for 50 minutes and usually takes place weekly, on the same day and at the same time. 

Yes, sessions may be available in person in my clinics in Cheshire & Sheffield.

Yes, online therapy sessions work the same way as in person sessions, and have the benefit of accessing therapy from a place that feels safe and convenient. There are many added advantages to accessing support in this way. – appointment times are more flexible, you can be more comfortable in your own surroundings and there is no need for additional time for travel.

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